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G2 Didn't Stand A Chance Against This BARON BAIT From T1!!
Twitch Chat's Reaction to T1 vs G2 Baron O'Clock Bait
EG jojopyun Didn't Stand A Chance In This 1v1 Against G2 Broken Blade!!
T1 vs G2 300 IQ BARON BAIT
Caedrel LOSES It During Another EU Baron
EDG's Oscar Worthy Baron Bait
G2 doing a little bit of TROLLING at baron
T1 Crushes G2 in a Team Fight They Didn't Even Know it Exists
T1 Faker DESTROYS G2 Caps Ankles
Caedrel's Rollercoaster Of Emotions Watching MAD Flip A Baron
Baron Helps G2 Killing Gumayusi !!!!! T1 VS G2
Caedrel's Reaction To T1 VS G2